Solid-State NMR News in Canada |
Previous news from our lab: |
March 2019
500 MHz Spectrometer Upgraded: the console on our 500 MHz solid-state NMR system has been upgraded to a state-of-the-art Bruker NEO 500 console. This is a three-channel system, permitting solid-state NMR measurements in the 23 to 500 MHz range. The NEO replaces an Avance 500, which was installed in the autumn of 2002.
February 2018
Congratulations to Rod Wasylishen who was honoured by the University of Manitoba at the 2018 Faculty of Science Pathways to Acheivement Alumni Awards on Feb. 1, 2018. Click here for more details.
May 2017
Congratulations to Maria Matlinska, who won first prize in the Physcial Chemistry Oral Presentations category at the 31st Western Canada Undergraduate Chemistry Conference held at the University of Alberta. Maria is co-supervised by Profs. Rod Wasylishen and Vladimir Michaelis.
January 2017
Good luck to Alex Faucher, who has accepted a position at the Materials and Surface Science Institute of the University of Limerick, in Limerick, Ireland.
June 2016
Congratulations to Michelle Ha, who graduated with a B.Sc. degree from the U. of A. on June 14, 2016. Michelle is working in our lab for the summer and will continue her studies, working towards her M.Sc. degree with Professor Michaelis at the U. of A this fall. Good luck!
January 2016
Congratulations to Alex Faucher, who successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis titled NMR Spectroscopy of Exotic Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solids, on Jan. 7, 2016. Alex has accepted a post-doctoral position with Professor Michaelis at the U. of A. Good luck!.
November 2015
Welcome and good luck to Professor Vlad Michaelis, who has joined the Physical Division of the Chemistry Department at the U of A. Vlad graduated from the University of Manitoba and has just completed a post-doctoral fellowship at MIT. He will formally take up his position in January, 2016, and plans to make extensive use of solid-state NMR spectroscopy in his research. See his web page here.
July 2015
Welcome to Glenn Penner from the University of Guelph, who will be working in our lab for the next few months.
July 2015
Good luck to Huaguang Yu, who has returned to Yangzhou University in China after a two-year sabbatical leave in our lab.
April 2015
Congratulations to Alex Faucher who was awarded an FGSR (University of Alberta) Travel Award to attend the 56th ENC in Pacific Grove, California.
September 2014
An Avance III narrow-bore 400 MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer has recently been installed in our lab. The system is equipped with a double-resonance 5 mm stationary probe, tuning from below 15N to above 31P. A double-resonance 4 mm MAS probe, with a similar tuning range, is expected soon. Both probes have variable-temperature capability.
July 2014
The 56 th Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance, held in Copper Mountain, Colorado from July 13 th to 17 th, 2014, was very successful for the Wasylishen lab! Congratulations to Rod Wasaylishen, who presented the Vaughan lecture at this conference. Named for Robert W. Vaughan, this symposium is the highlight of the conference. Click here for more details. Congratulations also to Alex Faucher, who was awarded one of six prizes for the best graduate student posters at the conference.
July 2014
1984 - 2014 After 30 years, our Bruker/Oxford 4.7 T NMR magnet was decomissioned on July 13, 2014. It was part of the first MSL NMR system and also one of the first widebore NMR magnets installed in Canada. Although the console was replaced by a CMX console in 1998, the magnet continued to serve us faithfully, even through a move from Nova Scotia to Alberta in 2000. It has been used to provide tens of thousands of NMR spectra of a significant portion of the NMR periodic table, has helped train over two dozen graduate students and has provided data for hundreds of publications. The system was decomissioned to make room for a Bruker 400 MHz NMR system.
June 2014
Congratulations to Jennnifer Wu, who obtained her B.Sc. degree, with specialization in chemistry, on June 10, 2014. Jennifer is working in our lab this summer.
March 2014
Congratulations to Rosha Teymoori, who successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis, titled Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Computational Investigations of Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei, on March 7, 2014.
January 2014
Good luck to Jennifer Wu who is doing a fourth-year research project in our lab this term.
January 2014
With the resignation of Robin Harris, Rod is now the sole editor-in-chief of emagres. Click here for the Jan., 2014 bulletin, including a list of articles published in this journal during 2013.
December 2013
Congratulations to Piotr Garbacz from the University of Warsaw who successfully defended his doctoral thesis, titled NMR Studies of Magnetic Shielding in Gaseous Hydrogen and Solid Iridium Hydrides, on Dec. 20, 2013. Piotr was co-supervised by Rod Wasylishen (Alberta) and Karol Jackowski (Warsaw).
November 2013
Congratulations to Rod Wasylishen who has been invited as a keynote speaker to the 2013 CANMRDG (Chicago Area NMR Discussion Group) on Nov. 9 at the Argonne National Lab in Argonne, IL.
July 2013
Congratulations! To Laure Soucémarianadin, from the Department of Renewable Resources, who successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis titled Black Carbon in Quebec Boreal Black Spruce Forests. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was an important component of her research; she was co-supervised by Rod Wasylishen.
July 2013
Welcome! To Professor Huaguang Yu, who is a visiting scholar from Yangzhou University (P.R. China). Professor Yu will be working in our lab for the next year.
May 2013
Welcome to Michelle Ha and Jennifer Wu, undergraduate students studying at the U of A. Michelle and Jennifer are working in our lab for the summer.
March 2013
Congratulations to Rod Wasylishen, who has been awarded the J Gordin Kaplan Award by the University of Alberta. The award "For Excellence in Research" will be handed out Sept. 19, 2013. Click here for more details and here for a list of Kaplan Laureates.
March 2013
Congratulations to Brett Feland who successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis March 21. Well done Brett!
November 2012
The Encyclopedia of NMR published by Wiley. Editors in chief: Robin K. Harris and Roderick E. Wasylishen. Click here for more details.
July 2012
Congratulations to Rod Wasylishen, who was selected as the 2014 Vaughan Lecturer at the Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry. The award is named in honour of Robert Vaughan; click here for more details.
May 2012
Welcome! To Renee Duan, an undergraduate student studying at UBC. Renee will be working in our lab for the summer.
March 2012
Congratulations to Rosha Teymoori who has been awarded a 2012 Graduate Student Teaching Award. Well done!
March 2012
New Hardware! New resonators for our microimaging system will allow investigations involving nuclei such as 19F, 23Na or 129Xe.
February 2012
Welcome to Piotr Garbacz of the University of Warsaw. Piotr is a graduate student working in the Faculty of Chemistry under the supervision of Professor Dr. Karol Jackowski. He will be working in our lab through the summer.
January 2012
Congratulations to Brett Feland who has been awarded an Alberta Graduate Student Scholarship from Alberta Learning Information Services.
November 2011
Congratulations to Rod Wasylishen who received the Eastern Analytical Symposium Award For Outstanding Achievements in Magnetic Resonance, in Somerset NJ, on Nov. 14, 2011.
November 2011
Norman F. Ramsey: 1915 - 2011. Amongst his many contributions, Professor Ramsey, in whose honour this website is named, was a pioneer in NMR spectroscopy. Sadly, he died on Novermber 4, 2011. Click here for more details.
September 2011
Congratulations to Rod Wasylishen who has been honoured with a special issue of Can. J. Chem. Part 2 of this issue was published in September.
August 2011
Congratulations to former group member Ming Wang and his wife Wei Sun on the birth of their daughter Sara Jiahui Wang. Sara was born in Houston Texas on Aug. 30. Mom and baby are fine.
July 2011
Congratulations to Rod Wasylishen who has been honoured with a special issue of Can. J. Chem.
March 2011
Welcome to future NMR spectroscopist Alton William Skelhorne. Alton was born on March 28, 2011. Proud parents are former group member Myrlene Gee and her husband Aaron Skelhorne.
December 2010
Congratulations to Brett Feland who received a Dr. R. Norman and Magda Kemeny Jones Travel Award to attend Pacifichem 2010.
November 2010
Congratulations to Ming Wang who defended his Ph.D. thesis Nov. 24, 2010 and to Jerrod Dwan who defended his M.Sc. thesis Nov. 27, 2010.
September 2010
Good luck to new graduate students Brett Feland, Yimeng Li and Alexandra Palech.
August 2010
Welcome! To Yimeng Li, who has joined our group after graduating with a B.Sc.-Hons degree from the University of Winnipeg. Good luck Yimeng!
June 2010
Congratulations! To Alex Palech, who graduated June 2, 2010 with a B.Sc. with Specialization in Chemistry. Alex is working in our lab this summer.
March 2010
New hardware for our lab! Varian 1.2 mm UltraFast MAS and 3.2 mm MAS probes for a VNMRS 600 MHz NMR spectrometer were recently installed.
December 2009 |
NMR Crystallography, edited by R. K. Harris, R. E. Wasylishen and M. J. Duer, published by Wiley. |
August 2009 |
Congratulations to Kris Harris who defended his Ph.D. thesis titled Solid-State Spin-1/2 NMR Studies of Disorder, Bonding and Symmetry. Kris has accepted a post-doctoral position in Rob Schurko's lab at the University of Windsor in Windsor ON. Good luck! |
March 2009 |
Congratulations to Fu Chen who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigations of Some Group-11 and Group-13 Compounds. Fu has accepted a post-doctoral position at Universiteit Leiden in Leiden, Netherlands. Good luck Fu! |
December 2008 |
Congratulations to Mat Willans who defended his Ph.D. thesis titled High-Resolution Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Diamagnetic and Paramagnetic Transition-Metal Complexes. Mat has accepted a position as NMR Facility Manager at the University of Western Ontario in London ON. |
April 2008 |
Congratulations to Bryan Demko who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled Insights Into Selenium-77 NMR Interaction Tensors: Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigations of Iminobis(dialkylphosphine Chalcogenide) Systems in the Solid State. Well done Bryan! |
February 2007 |
Congratulations to Dr. Silvia Borsacchi who defended her PhD thesis on Friday, February 16th at the Università degli Studi di Pisa in Pisa, Italy. Silvia carried out research in the Wasylishen lab for a three month period in 2006. We are very proud of you, Silvia!!! Un bacino!! |
December 2006 |
Congratulations to Dr. Kirk Feindel who defended his PhD thesis entitled, "Insights into the Performance of Proton-Exchange
Membrane Fuel Cells Obtained from 1H NMR Microscopy Experiments" on December 4, 2006. Kirk has accepted a post-doctoral
position at the Victoria University of Wellington through the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences in Wellington, New Zealand under
the supervision of Prof. Paul Callaghan. Good luck with everything Kirk! |
December 2006 |
Congratulations to Dr. Kris Ooms who defended his PhD thesis entitled,
"NMR Investigations of Porous Materials using Continuous-Flow Hyperpolarized Xenon-129" on December 1, 2006. Kris has accepted a post-doctoral position at the University of Delaware under the supervision of Prof. Tatyana Polenova.
Good luck in future endeavors, Kris. |
November 2006 |
A warm congratulations to Dr. Rod Wasylishen upon
being elected to the rank of AAAS Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Each year their Council elects members whose "efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its
applications are scientifically or socially distinguished". The honor of being elected a Fellow of AAAS began in 1874. Dr. Wasylishen is being honored for fundamental contributions to the understanding
of solid-state NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei and its application to solutions of problems in molecular structure and dynamics. |
October 2006 |
Check out our cover article in Inorganic Chemistry: Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 8492-8499. |
September 2006 |
The Solid-State NMR group welcomes new graduate students, Rose Teymoori and Ming Wang, and an undergraduate student, Melissa Faichuk! |
August 2006 |
Michelle Forgeron successfully defended PhD thesis entitled, "Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Computational Investigations of Exotic Nuclei". |
January 2006 |
The NMR Group welcomes Silvia Borsacchi, a visiting graduate student from the Università degli Studi di Pisa in Pisa, Italy. Welcome to Edmonton, Silvia! |
November 2005 |
The Solid-State NMR Group welcomes Prof. Gustavo Aucar, from the Physics Department, Northeastern University Corrientes, Argentina, who will be visiting our lab from November 7-9. Prof. Aucar specializes in the application of theoretical devices, such as polarization propagator methods, to calculate molecular magnetic properties. |
September 2005 |
The Wasylishen group would like to welcome friend and colleague, Klaus Eichele, to the lab. |
June 2005 |
Three Wasylishen Group members are awarded prizes for best presentations at this year's CSC Conference in Saskatoon, SK. Congrats to Kirk (oral presentation), Mat (poster presentation), and Michelle (poster presentation). |
June 2005 |
The Bruker 900 MHz UltrastabilizedTM NMR spectrometer arrives safely in Ottawa at the National Ultra-High Field NMR Facility for Solids. |
March 2005 |
After a three-year stay as a PDF with the Wasylishen Group, Renee has accepted a post-doctoral position with Prof. Arno P. M. Kentgens at Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Congratulations and best of luck, Renee. |
January 2005 |
Congratulations to Mat and Jess who are engaged and will be married in July. |
January 2005 |
Congratulations to Fu and Jiang who were married in January. |